Changelog --------- Beta versions ============= Version 4.x ^^^^^^^^^^^ 4.0.0b0 - this is a major release ! please try out in a separate work folder for test! - add: support for python 3.11 and 3.12, remove 3.7, 3.8 - add native support for Macs with Apple silicon - add: support automation with 10micron webservices - add: support uploading mechanism for databases for macos and linux - add: show free disk space of work dir in the status bar - add: support for comet and asteroid data in extended downloads - add: age parameter for MPC SAT databases before auto download - add: new theme with 3d buttons for selection - change: faster and more reliable uploading mechanism for databases - change: celestrak interface url's and retrieval strategy - change: moving PyQt5 to major version PySide6 - change: moving libraries to latest versions - change: remove old windows automation - change: remove embedded documentation and replace with online link - refactor: environment devices (now 3 generic ones) - refactor: remove installer to separate repo (InstallerMW4) - refactor: optimizing code for better performance - refactor: plate solving features more reliable - refactor: camera handling - refactor: satellite handling - refactor: database handling for MPC files - improve: faster calculation of satellite track using internal calculations - improve: reduced size of app - improve: faster startup time - improve: faster database loading - improve: optimizing material look & feel fpr simulator - improve: don't delete message list when color change - improve: rewrite of the online documentation - improve: no 10micron installer needed anymore for object data - remove: automation of 10micron installer - fix: typos Released versions ================= Version 3.x ^^^^^^^^^^^ 3.2.6 - add: support for INDI Pegasus Uranus Meteo sensor - add: wait time after slew finished before exposing - change: writing pointing coordinates to fits header from MW4 now - change: celestrak interface url's and retrieval strategy - improve: add waiting time for image file save for NINA and SGPro - improve: logging for NINA / SGPro controlled cameras - improve: gain handling when missing values in camera settings - improve: lower the dome radius to 0.8m - fix: typos and some minor bugs 3.2.5 - improve: add more information to the log file seeing - improve: openweathermap data handling (API) - improve: add support for pegasus uranus meteo sensor 3.2.4 - add: support for astap D80 database - improve: more robust implementation against touptek drivers - improve: add more information to the log file seeing - improve: openweathermap data handling (API) 3.2.3 - fix: correct editing points, when slew path is not selected - improve: sort horizon points when loading a file 3.2.2 - change: switch from forecast to weather api on openweathermap 3.2.1 - fix: change humidity and dewpoint value in driver as there were mixed up 3.2.0 - add: editable mount settling time for 10micron box (UI change!) - add: waiting time used w/o meridian flip - add: bring "keep scale" when doing exposeN - improve: some refactoring for speed - improve: watney checking allows for multiple sets in one directory 3.1.0 Version 3.1 brings aarch64 support for arm back if using the new installer 3.1 - add: support for aarch64 on raspi for python 3.8 - 3.10 (needs installer 3.1) - add: support for ASTAP new databases D50, D20, D05 - improve: speedup launch if INDI server not ready - improve: support for catalina - improve: ParkPos with 2 digits precision - fix: download sources IERS - fix: switching UTC / local times - fix: seeing entries visibility upon startup 3.0.1 - fix: ASCOM cover: brightness status. - fix: ASCOM cover: setting / reading brightness / max brightness - fix: almanac: text for "rise" and "set" were mixed - fix: DNS resolving - improve: add a hint for optimal binning to keep reasonable image sizes - improve meteoblue behavior: correct text and undisplayed if disabled - improve minor planets selection: adding multiple selection by mouse - improve refraction: when selecting internal sensor, go to automatic 3.0.0 Version 3.0 is a major release! Please update with care! No ARM7 support / ARM64 only Python 3.8 - 3.9 - add: GUI: all charts could be zoomed and panned - add: GUI: all tab menu entries could be customized in order and stored /reset - add: GUI: all open windows could be collected to visual area - add: GUI: separate window with big buttons are available - add: GUI: reduced GUI configurable for a simpler user interface - add: video: support for up to 4 external RTSP streams or local cameras - add: video: adding authentication to video streams - add: video: adding support for HTTP and HTTPS streams - add: almanac: now supports UTC / local time - add: almanac: support set/rise times moon - add: environment: integrate seeing conditions - add: analyse: charts could show horizon and values for each point - add: analyse: alt / az charts with iso 2d contour error curves - add: audio: sound for connection lost and sat start tracking - add: model points: multiple variants for edit and move points - add: model points: set dither on celestial paths - add: model points: generate from actual used mount model - add: model points: existing model files could be loaded - add: model points: golden spiral with exact number of points - add: polar align: adding hint how to use the knobs measures right - add: plate solve: new watney astrometry solver for all platforms - add: hemisphere: selection of terrain file - add: hemisphere: show actual model error in background - add: hemisphere: edit horizon model much more efficient - add: hemisphere: show 2d contour error curve from actual model - add: hemisphere: move point with mouse around - add: dome: control azimuth move CW / CCW for INDI - add: satellites: all time values could be UTC or local time now - add: MPC / IERS: adding alternative server for download - add: measure: window has max 5 charts now (from 3) - add: measure: more values (time delta, focus, cooler power, etc.) - add: image: photometry functions (aberration, roundness, etc.) - add: image: tilt estimation like ASTAP does as rectangle and triangle - add: image: add flip H and flip V - add: image: show RA/DEC coordinates in image if image was solved - add: image: center mount pointing g to any point in image by mouse double click - add: image: center mount pointing to image center - add: image: support for reading XISF files (simple versions) - add: imaging: separate page for imaging stats now - add: imaging: stats: calcs for plate solvers (index files etc.) - add: imaging: stats: calcs for critical focus zones - add: drivers: polling timing for drivers could be set - add: drivers: game controller interface for mount and dome - add: system: support for python 3.10 - add: help: local install of documentation in PDF format - add: profiles: automatic translation from v2.2.x to 3.x - improve: GUI: layout for main window optimized and consistent and wording updates - improve: GUI: complete rework of charting: performance and functions - improve: GUI: clean up and optimize IERS download messages - improve: GUI: get more interaction bullet prove for invalid cross use cases - improve: GUI: moved on / off mount to their settings: avoid undesired shutoff - improve: GUI: show twilight and moon illumination in main window - improve: INDI: correcting setting parameters on startup - improve: model points: optimized DSO path generation (always fit, less params) - improve: model run: refactoring - improve: model run: better information about status and result - improve: hemisphere: improve solved point presentation (white, red) - improve: plate solve: compatibility checks - improve: system: all log files will be stored in a separate folder /log - improve: system: enable usage of python 3.10 - improve: system: use latest PyQt5 version - improve: system: adjust window sizes to be able to make mosaic layout on desktop - improve: system: moved to actual jpl kernel de440.bsp for ephemeris calcs - remove: system: matplotlib package and replace with more performant pyqtgraph - remove: system: PIL package and replace with more powerful cv2 - remove: system: move from deprecated distutils to packaging - remove: system: support for python 3.7 as some libraries stopped support - remove: imageW: stacking in imageW as it was never used - remove: testing support for OSx Mojave and OSx Catalina (still should work) - fix: drivers: device selection tab was not properly positioned in device popup Version 2.x ^^^^^^^^^^^ 2.2.9 - fix: internal updater shows only alpha versions instead of betas 2.2.8 - fix: updates for supporting newer ASTAP versions - fix: model run will cancel if solving fails - fix: workaround ASTAP FITS outputs which are not readable via astropy - update ephemeris file 2.2.7 - fix: text labels - fix: getting min / max values from indi devices - fix: updates for supporting newer ASTAP versions - fix: model run will cancel if solving fails 2.2.6 - fix: reduce load in debug trace mode - fix: model process stalls in some cases in normal mode - fix: text labels - fix: getting min / max values from indi devices 2.2.5 - fix: reduce load in debug trace mode - fix: model process stalls in some cases in normal mode 2.2.4 - fix: remove race condition for large image file causing solve error in ASTAP - fix: reduce load in debug trace mode 2.2.3 - fix: mount orientation in southern hemisphere 2.2.2 - fix: almanac moon phase drawing error 2.2.1 - update: builtin data for finals200.all - fix: download iers data: fix file not found feedback 2.2.0 - add: support SGPro camera as device - add: support N.I.N.A. camera as device - add: two modes for SGPro and N.I.N.A.: App or MW4 controlled - add: debayer (4 modes) all platforms (armv7, StellarMate, Astroberry) - add: filter satellites for twilight visibility settings - add: setting performance for windows automation (slow / normal / fast) - add: auto abort imaging when camera device is disconnected - add: missing cursor in virtual keypad window - add: support for keyboard usage in virtual keypad window - add: screenshot as PNG save for actual window with key F5 - add: screenshots as PNG save for all open windows with key F6 - add: query DSO objects for DSO path setting in build model - improved: flexible satellite handling when mount not connected - improved: show selected satellite name in satellite windows title - improved: 3D simulator drawing - improved: updater now avoids installation into system package - improved: GUI for imaging tab - disable all invalid interfaces - improved: redesign analyse window to get more space for further charts - improved: Tools: move mount: better UI, tooltips, multi steps in alt/az - improved: gui in image window when displaying different types - improved: reduced memory consumption if display raw images - improved: defining park positions with digit and improve gui for buttons - improved: when pushbutton shows running, invert icons as well - improve: moon phases in different color schemes - upgrade: pywin32 library to version 303 (windows) - upgrade: skyfield library to 1.41 - upgrade: numpy library to 1.21.4 - upgrade: matplotlib to 3.5.1 - upgrade: scipy library to 1.7.3 - upgrade requests library to 2.27.2 - upgrade importlib_metadata library to 4.10.0 - upgrade deepdiff library to 5.7.0 - upgrade wakeonlan library to 2.1.0 - upgrade pybase64 library to 1.2.1 - upgrade websocket-client library to 1.2.3 - fix: simulator in southern hemisphere 2.1.7 - add: 12 build point option for model generation - add: grouping updater windows upper left corner - add: support for languages other than english in automation - add: minimize cmd window once MW4 is started - fix: KMTronic Relay messages 2.1.6 - add: explicit logging of automation windows strings for debug - add: showing now detected updater path and app - revert: fixes for german as they do not work 2.1.5 - fix: checking windows python version for automation 2.1.4 - add: enabled internal updater for astroberry and stellarmate - add: temperature measurement for camera - improved: logging for ASCOM threading - improved: image handling - fix: DSLR camera devices 2.1.3 - add: config adjustments for astroberry and stellarmate devices (no debayer) - improved: logging for UI events 2.1.2 - fix: non connected mount influences camera on ASCOM / ALPACA - fix: logging string formatting 2.1.1 - fix: for arm64 only: corrected import for virtual keypad - fix: arrow keys on keypad did accept long mouse press 2.1.0 - add: hemisphere window: help for choosing the right star for polar alignment - add: hemisphere terrain adjust for altitude of image beside azimuth - add: angular error ra / dec axis in measurement - add: device connection similar for ASCOM and ALPACA devices - add: extended satellite search and filter capabilities (spreadsheet style) - add: estimation of satellite apparent magnitude - add: extended satellite tracking and tuning capabilities - add: enabling loading a custom satellite TLE data file - add: command window for manual mount commands - add: sorting for minimal dome slew in build point selection - add: setting prediction time of almanac (shorter reduces cpu load) - add: providing 3 different color schemes - add: virtual keypad available for RPi 3/4 users now - improve: check if satellite data is valid (avoid error messages) - improve: better hints when using 10micron updater - improve: simplified signals generation - improve: analyse window plots - improve: rewrite alpaca / ascom interface - improve: gui for running functions - improve: test coverage - remove: push time from mount to computer: in reliable and unstable - fix: segfault in qt5lib on ubuntu 2.0.6 - fixes 2.0.5 - fix: bug when running "stop exposure" in ASCOM 2.0.4 - improvement: GUI for earth rotation data update, now downloads - improvement: performance for threads. - improvement: added FITS header entries for ALPACA and ASCOM - fix: removed stopping DAT when starting model 2.0.3 - improvement: GUI for earth rotation data update, now downloads - improvement: performance for threads. 2.0.2 - fix: robustness against errors in ALPACA server due to memory faults #174 - fix: robustness against filter names / numbers from ALPACA server #174 - fix: cleanup import for pywinauto timings import #175 - improvement: avoid meridian flip #177 - improvement: retry numbers as int #178 2.0.1 - fix: MW4 not shutting down when dome configured, but not connected - fix mirrored display of points in polar hemisphere view 2.0.0 - add new updater concept - add mount clock sync feature - add simulator feature - add terrain image feature - add dome following when mount is in satellite tracking mode - add dome dynamic following feature: reduction of slews for dome - add setting label support for UPB dew entries - add auto dew control support for Pegasus UPB - add switch support for ASCOM/ALPACA Pegasus UPB - add observation condition support for ASCOM/ALPACA Pegasus UPB - add feature for RA/DEC FITS writing for INDI server without snooping - add completely revised satellite tracking menu gui - add partially satellite tracking before / after possible flip - add satellite track respect horizon line and meridian limits - add tracking simulator feature to test without waiting for satellite - add alt/az pointer to satellite view - add reverse order for failed build point retry - add automatic enable webinterface for keypad use - add broadcast address and port for WOL - add new IERS and lead second download - add more functions are available without mount connected - add change mouse pointer in hemisphere - add offset and gain setting to imaging - add disable model point edit during model build run - update debug standard moved from WARN to INFO - update underlying libraries - update GUI improvements - fix for INDI cameras sending two times busy and exposure^0 - fix slewing message dome when disconnected - fix retry mechanism for failed build points - fix using builtins for skyfield and rotation update - fix plate solve sync function Version 1.x ^^^^^^^^^^^ 1.1.1 - adding fix for INDI cameras sending two times BUSY, EXP^0 1.1.0 - adding release notes showing new capabilities in message window - adding cover light on / off - adding cover light intensity settings - reversing E/W for polar diagram in hemisphere window - adding push mount time to computer manual / hourly - adding contour HFD plot to image windows - adding virtual emergency stop key on time group - update build-in files if newer ones are shipped - auto restart MW4 after update - adding OBJCTRA / OBJCTDEC keywords when reading FITs - upgrade various libraries